Windows 8 will startup in 10 seconds.

Recently Microsoft has declared on its Windows 8 blog that Windows 8 will boot in few seconds. According to Windows chief Steven Sinofsky,They have announced it on the blog that Windows 8 will start up in 10 seconds. Really, As today most of the windows users are using XP. Of course XP is having very long boot up time which irritates us. In Windows 7 we saw some improvement in start up of Windows but It is not up to the satisfaction. This new feature of Windows 8 is called as Fast Start up Mode. So now it has been revealed officially by Microsoft that Windows 8will be having the feature called Fast Start up Mode. Below you can see the comparison between the start up time of Windows 8 and others:
Well, Fast Start up Mode improves boot time by 30-70% cause the computer doesn’t have to load all the drivers and services every time. So it booting becomes faster. I am sure we all will love this feature of Windows 8. 10 seconds is just very small time, really this is going to be very nicefeature of Windows 8. Now i am sure all the OS will reduce the booting time. Using this technique with boot gives Windows 8 a significantadvantage for boot times by writing the kernel sessions to disk and hibernation mode. And Hibernation saves memory contents to the hard drive in a compressed form which helps to boot fast. Now we can just wait until Windows 8 gets released. There are many more features to come.

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